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"My master," said Jendzian, "has his affairs in Lubni, on
which he directed me to return, for I had nothing to do in

All this time Bogun was looking sharply at Jendzian, and
suddenly he said: "I too know your master, I saw him in

Jendzian bent his head, and turning his ear as if he
had not heard, inquired: "Where?"

"In Rozlogi."

"That place belongs to the Kurtsevichi," said Zagloba.

"To whom?" asked Jendzian again.

"Oh, I see you are hard of hearing," said Bogun, curtly.

"Because I have not slept enough."

"You will sleep enough yet. You say that your master
sent you to Lubni?"


"Doubtless he has some sweetheart there," interrupted
Zagloba, "to whom he sends his love through you."

"How do I know, worthy sir? Maybe he has, maybe he
has not," said Jendzian. Then he bowed to Bogun and
Zagloba. "Praise be to---" said he, preparing to go out.

"Forever!" said Bogun. "But wait, my little bird;
don't be in a hurry! And why did you hide from me that
you are the servant of Pan Skshetuski?"

"You didn't ask me, and I thought, ' What reason have
I to talk of anything? ' Praise be to---"

"Wait, I say! You have some letters from your

"It is his affair to write, and mine to deliver, but only to
him to whom they are written; therefore permit me to bid
farewell to you, gentlemen."

Bogun wrinkled his sable brows and clapped his hands.
Two Cossacks entered the room.

"Search him!" cried he, pointing to Jendzian.

"As I live, violence is done me! I am a nobleman,
though a servant, and, gentlemen, you will answer for this
in court."

"Bogun, let him go!" said Zagloba.

But that moment one of the Cossacks found two letters
in Jendzian's bosom, and gave them to the lieutenant-
colonel. Bogun directed the Cossacks to withdraw at
once, for not knowing how to read, he did not wish to
expose himself before them; then turning to Zagloba, he

Notice: The text of this book is public domain in the U.S.A. The formatting, graphics, and html coding are copyright, Chi-Rho Booksite, 2003.