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but adhered publicly to the Commonwealth, the Grand
Hetman had appointed them to Chigirin, and ordered them
to maintain guard.

Bogun took his place at the table and began to question
the newly arrived.

The chief of the boat, who brought a letter from Grod-
zitski, answered for himself and Jendzian. On examination
of the letter, the young lieutenant-colonel began to inquire
carefully what was to be heard in Kudak, and it was evi-
dent that he had a great desire to know why Grodzitski
had sent men and a boat to the Grand Hetman. But the
chief of the boat could not answer this, and the letter was
secured with Pan Grodzitski's seal. Having finished his
inquiries, Bogun was putting his hand to his purse to give
the men something to buy beer when the door opened, and
Zagloba burst like a thunderbolt into the room.

"Listen, Bogun!" cried he; "that traitor Dopula has kept
his best triple mead hidden. I went with him to the cellar.
I looked, I saw something in the corner; it was hay and it
wasn't hay. I asked, 'What is that?' 'Dry hay,' said he.
When I looked more closely, the top of a bottle was sticking
up, like the head of a Tartar, out of the grass. ' Oh, you son of
a such a one,' said I, ' let's divide the labor! Do you eat the
hay, for you are an ox; and I will drink the mead, for I am
a man.' I brought the fat bottle for an honest trial; only
let us have the glasses now!"

Having said this, Zagloba put one hand on his hip, and
with the other raised the bottle above his head and began
to sing,--

"Hei Yagush, hei Kundush, but give us the glasses,
Give a kiss, and then care for naught else."

Here Zagloba, seeing Jendzian, stopped suddenly, placed
the bottle on the table, and said,--

"As God is dear to me! this is Pan Yan's young man."

"Whose?"' asked Bogun, hastily.

"Pan Skshetuski's, the lieutenant who went to Kudak,
and before going treated me to such mead from Lubni that
I wish all would keep it behind their tavern-signs. What
is your master doing? Is he well?"

"Well, and asked to be remembered to you," said Jend-
zian, confused.

"He is a man of mighty courage. How do you come to be
in Chigirin? Why did your master send you from Kudak?"

Notice: The text of this book is public domain in the U.S.A. The formatting, graphics, and html coding are copyright, Chi-Rho Booksite, 2003.