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To explain what had taken, place in Rozlogi, we must re-
turn to that night when Pan Yan sent Jendzian from Kudak
with a letter to the old princess. The letter contained an
earnest request to take Helena and seek with all haste the
protection of Prince Yeremi at Lubni, since war might
begin at any moment.

Jendzian, taking his place in the boat which Pan Grod-
zitski sent from Kudak for powder, made his way with slow
advance, for they went up the river. At Kremenchug he
met the forces sailing under command of Krechovski and
Barabash, despatched by the hetmans against Hmelnitski.
Jendzian had a meeting with Barabash, whom he informed
of the possible danger to Pan Yan on his journey to the
Saitch; therefore he begged the old colonel not to fail in
making urgent demand for the envoy when he met Hmel-
nitski. After this he moved on.

They arrived in Chigirin at daylight. They were sur-
rounded at once by a guard of Cossacks inquiring who they
were. They answered that they were going from Kudak
with a letter from Grodzitski to the hetmans. Notwith-
standing this, the chief of the boat and Jendzian were sum-
moned to answer the colonel.

"What colonel?" asked the chief.

"Loboda," replied the essauls of the guard. "The Grand
Hetman has ordered him to detain and examine every one
coming from the Saitch to Chigirin."

They went. Jendzian walked on boldly, for he expected
no harm since he was sent by authority of the hetman.
They were taken to the neighborhood of Bell-ringers'
Corner, to the house of Pan Jelenski, where Colonel Lo-
boda's quarters were. But they were informed that the
colonel having set out at daybreak for Cherkasi, the lieuten-
ant-colonel occupied his place. They waited rather long,
at last the door opened, and the expected lieutenant-colonel
appeared in the room. At the sight of him Jendzian's knees
trembled under him. It was Bogun.

The hetman's power extended really to Chigirin; but since
Loboda and Bogun had not yet gone over to Hmelnitski,

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