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"Because you had pity on me, drew me to you, took my
part, and spoke words such as I had never heard before."

Helena was silent from emotion, and the lieutenant began
again to kiss her hand.

"You will be my ruler, not my wife."

They were silent for a while, but he did not take his
eyes from her, wishing to make up for the long time in
which he had not seen her. She seemed to him more beau-
tifal than before. In that dim room, in the sunlight broken
into rays by the glass window-panes, she looked like those
pictures of holy virgins in dusky chapels. At the same
time such warmth and life surrounded her, so many splen-
did womanly graces and charms were pictured in her face
and whole form, that it was possible to lose one's head, fall
desperately in love with her, and love forever.

"I shall lose my sight from your beauty," said the

The white teeth of the princess glittered joyously in a
smile. "Undoubtedly Anusia Borzobogata is a hundred
times better looking than I!"

"She is to you as a pewter plate to the moon."

"But Jendzian told me a different story."

"Jendzian deserves a slap on the mouth. What do I
care for her? Let other bees take honey from that flower,
and there are plenty of them there."

Further conversation was interrupted by the entrance of
old Chehly, who came to greet the lieutenant. He looked
on him already as his future master, and he bowed to him
at the threshold, giving the salaam in Oriental fashion.
"Well, old Chehly, I take you too with your mistress.
You will serve her till you die."

"She won't have long to wait for my death; but while I
live I will serve her. God is one!"

"In a month or so, when I return from the Saitch, we will
go to Lubni," said the lieutenant, turning to Helena; "and
there Mukhovetski is ready with his robes."

Helena was startled. "Then you are going to the

"The prince sends me with letters. But have no fear;
the person of an envoy is sacred, even among pagans. I
should send you and the princess immediately to Lubni,
but the roads are fearful. Even on horseback it is hard to
get along."

"Will you stay long in Rozlogi?"

Notice: The text of this book is public domain in the U.S.A. The formatting, graphics, and html coding are copyright, Chi-Rho Booksite, 2003.