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erably from the heat. But he still thought that it was a
vision, of sleep, and closed his eyes again. After a while he
opened them. Jendzian was sitting under the window.

"Jendzian," called Skshetuski, "is that you, or is it your

The young fellow, frightened by the sudden call, dropped
the breastplate on the floor with a clatter, spread his arms,
and said: "Oh, for God's sake! why do you scream, my
master, that I am like a ghost? I am alive and well!"

"And you have come back?"

"But have you sent me off?"

"Come here to me; let me embrace you."

The faithful youth fell upon the floor, and caught Skshe-
tuski by the knees. Skshetuski kissed him on the forehead
with joy, and repeated: "You are alive, you are alive!"

"Oh, my master, I cannot speak from joy that I see you
again in health! You shouted so that I let the breastplate
fall. The straps have shrunk up, -- it is clear that you
have had no one. Praise be to thee, O God! Oh, my dear

"When did you come back?"

"Last night."

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"Why should I wake you up? I came early to take
your clothes."

"Where did you come from?"

"From Gushchi."

"What were you doing there? What has happened to
you? Tell me."

"Well, you see the Cossacks came to Gushchi, which be-
longs to the voevoda of Bratslav, to plunder and burn, and
I was there earlier, for I went there with Father Patroni
Lasko, who took me to Hmelnitski from Gushchi; for the
voevoda sent him to Hmelnitski with letters. I went back
with him, therefore, and at that time the Cossacks were
burning Gushchi; and they killed Father Patroni for his
love to us, and no doubt they would have killed the voevoda
too, if he had been there, though he belongs to their church
and is their great benefactor --"

"But speak clearly and don't confuse things, for I cannot
understand. You have been with the Cossacks, then, and
spent some time with Hmelnitski. Is that true?"
"Yes, with the Cossacks; for when they took me in
Chigirin they thought I was one of their men. Now put

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