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as if wishing to shake off suffering and evil thoughts;
then he said, --

"You had a quiet journey?"

"I met, in the forest, a large body of peasants, a couple
of hundred men whom I destroyed."

"Well done! And you took prisoners, for that is an im-
portant thing now?"

"I did, but-"

"But you have commanded them to be executed already?
Is that true?"

"No, I set them free."

Yeremi looked with wonderment at Skshetuski; then his
brows contracted suddenly. "What was that for? Do
you too belong to the peace party?"

"Your Highness, I brought an informant; for among the
peasants was a disguised noble who remained alive. I freed
the others, for God showed mercy to me and comfort. I
will bear the punishment. That noble was Pan Zagloba,
who brought me tidings of the princess."

The prince approached Pan Yan quickly. "She is alive
and well?"

"Praise be to God on high, she is."

"And where is she?"

"In Bar."

"That is a strong fortress, my boy!" Here the prince
raised his hands, and taking Skshetuski's head, kissed him
a number of times on the forehead. "I rejoice in your glad-
ness, for I love you as a son."

Pan Yan kissed the prince's hand with emotion, and.
though for many a day he would have willingly shed his
blood for him, he felt again that at his command he
would spring into rolling flames. To such a degree did
that terrible and cruel Yeremi know how to win the
hearts of the knights.

"Well, I do not wonder that you let those men go free.
You will go unpunished. But he's a sharp fellow, that
noble! Then he took her from the Trans-Dnieper to Bar,
praise be to God! In these grievous times this is a real de-
light to me also. He must be a fox of no common kind.
But let's have a look at this Zagloba."

Skshetuski moved quickly toward the door; but at that
moment it was opened suddenly, and there appeared in it
the flaming head of Vershul, who had been on a distant
expedition with the Tartars of the guard.

Notice: The text of this book is public domain in the U.S.A. The formatting, graphics, and html coding are copyright, Chi-Rho Booksite, 2003.