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repay another's if he borrows; bat that he would undertake
such a deed I do nob believe."

"He is a frivolous man,"said Pan Yan.

"Frivolous he may be, but he is a trickster who will out-
wit any man, and slip out of every danger himself. And
as the priest with prophetic spirit said that God would give
her back to you, so will it be for it is just that every sin-
cere affection should be rewarded. Console yourself with
this hope, as I console myself."

Here Pan Longin began to sigh deeply, and after a while
added: "Let us inquire once more at the castle. Maybe
they passed by here."

They inquired everywhere, but to no purpose. There
was not a trace even of the passage of the fugitives. The
castle was full of nobles with their wives and children, who
had shut themselves in against the Cossacks. The prince
endeavored to persuade them to go with him, and warned
them that the Cossacks were following in his tracks. They
did not dare to attack the army, but it was likely they would
attack the castle and the town after his departure. The
nobles in the castle, however, were strangely blinded.

"We are safe behind the forests," said they to the prince.
"No one will come to us here."

"But I have passed through these forests," said he.

"You have passed, but the rabble will not. These are
not the forests for them."

The nobles refused to go, continuing in their blindness,
for which they paid dearly later on. After the passage of
the prince the Cossacks came quickly. The castle was
defended manfully for three weeks, then was captured and
all in it were cut to pieces. The Cossacks committed ter-
rible cruelties, and no one took vengeance on them.

When the prince arrived at Lubech on the Dnieper he
disposed his army there for rest, but went himself with the
princess and court to Bragin, situated in the midst of
forests and impassable swamps. A week later the army
crossed over too. They marched then through Babitsa to
Mozir, where, on the day of Corpus Christi, came the mo-
ment of separation; for the princess with the court had to
go to Turoff to the wife of the voevoda of Vilna, her aunt,
but the prince with the army into fire in the Ukraine.

At the farewell dinner the prince and princess, the ladies
in waiting, and most of the distinguished officers were
present. But the usual animation was not evident among

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