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silence, and only in the evening did he order the young
man to be called.

The stripling stood before the face of his lord barely alive,
and thought that the ground was opening under his feet.
But the prince inquired,--

"What is your name?"


"You fired at the Cossack?"

"I did," groaned he pale as a sheet.

"Why did you do it?"

"Because I could not look at the torment."

"Oh, you will see so much of their deeds that at a
sight like this pity will fly from you like an angel; but be-
cause on account of your pity you risked your life, the
treasurer in Lubni will pay you ten golden ducats, and I
take you into my personal service."

All wondered that the affair was finished in this way;
but meanwhile it was announced that a detachment from
Zolotonosha had come, and attention was turned in another

Notice: The text of this book is public domain in the U.S.A. The formatting, graphics, and html coding are copyright, Chi-Rho Booksite, 2003.