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the number of swimmers still decreased, but the heavy
snorting of horses and the voices of the heroes urging them
on was heard; it was clear that some would cross.

"Hi, children! to your muskets! Destruction to the
prince's men!"

Puffs of smoke burst forth; then the rattle of muskets.
A cry of despair was heard from the river, and after a while
horses and men had vanished. The river was cleared; only
here and there in the distance, in the whirl of the waves,
looked black for an instant the belly of a horse, gleamed
red for a moment the cap of a Cossack.

Zagloba looked at Helena, and muttered.

Notice: The text of this book is public domain in the U.S.A. The formatting, graphics, and html coding are copyright, Chi-Rho Booksite, 2003.