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twist up your hair! Unless you do there will be no doubt
as to your sex."

In fact, over Helena's shoulders flowed a torrent of black
hair, let loose by the speed of the course and the dampness
of the night.

"Where are we going?" asked she, winding up her hair
with both hands, and trying to put it under her cap.

"Where our eyes take us."

"Then not to Lubni?"

Alarm was reflected on Helena's face, and in the quick
glance which she threw at Zagloba reawakened distrust was

"Do you see," said he, "I have my own reason; and
believe me I have reckoned everything carefully, and my
reckoning is based on the following wise maxim: Do not
escape in the direction in which-you will be pursued. If
they are pursuing us at this moment, they are pursuing in
the direction of Lubni; for I inquired yesterday in a loud
voice about the road, and before setting out I told Bogun
that we should go in that direction. Therefore we shall go
to Cherkasi. If they follow us, it will not be quickly, for
it will take them two days to discover that we are not on
the Lubni road. By that time we shall be in Cherkasi,
where the Polish regiments of Pivnitski and Budomina are
stationed; and in Korsun are all the forces of the hetmans.
Do you understand now?"

"I understand, and while life lasts I shall be thankful to
you! I do not know who you are or whence you came to
Rozlogi; but I think God sent you to defend and save me,
for I should stab myself rather than fall into the power of
that robber."

"He is a dragon, terribly intent on pursuing you."

"What in my misfortune have I done to him that he should
pursue me? I have known him long, and long have I hated
him, long since has he roused in me nothing but fear. Am
I the only woman in the world, that he should love me, and
shed so much blood on my account,----that he should kill my
cousins? When I remember it my blood grows cold. What
shall I do? Where shall I hide from him? Do not won-
der at my complaining, for I am unhappy. I am ashamed of
such affection; I should prefer death a hundred times."
Helena's cheeks, were flushed; tears were flowing over
them, forced out by anger, contempt, and pain.

"I will not deny," said Zagloba, "that a great misfortune

Notice: The text of this book is public domain in the U.S.A. The formatting, graphics, and html coding are copyright, Chi-Rho Booksite, 2003.