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where under the windows of the beautiful princess. There
was light yet in some parts of the house.

The two horsemen approached the gate.

"Who is there?" called the voice of the night-guard.

"Don't you know me, Maksim?"

"Oh, that is you! Glory to God!"

"For the ages of ages. Open the gate! And how is it
with you?"

"All is well. You haven't been in Rozlogi for a long

The hinges of the gate squeaked sharply, the bridge fell
over the fosse, and the two horsemen rode into the square.

"Look here, Maksim! don't shut the gate, and don't
raise the bridge, for I am going out directly."

"Oh! you hurry as if you had come for fire."

"True! Tie the horse to the post!"

Notice: The text of this book is public domain in the U.S.A. The formatting, graphics, and html coding are copyright, Chi-Rho Booksite, 2003.