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"Be off, clowns, infidel dogs, slaves, pig-eaters!" bel-
lowed he, seizing by the beard two of the Zaporojians and
pulling them with rage. "Be off, drunkards, brutes, foul
reptiles! You have come to take my captive, but this is
the way I'll treat you." So saying, he pulled some by the
beard; at last he threw one down and began to stamp on
him with his feet. "On your faces, slaves! I will send
you into captivity, I will trample the whole Saitch under
foot as I trample you! I will send it up in smoke, cover
it with your carcasses."

The deputies drew back in fear; their terrible friend had
shown what he could do.

And, wonderful thing in Bazaluk, there were only six
thousand of the horde! It is true that behind them stood
the Khan and all the power of the Crimea; but in the Saitch
itself there were several thousand Cossacks besides those
whom Hmelnitski had already sent to Tomakovka, - but
still not one voice was raised in protest against Tugai Bey.
It might be that the method with which the terrible murza
had defended his captive was the only one practicable, and
that it brought conviction at once to the Zaporojians, to
whom the aid of the Tartars was at that time indispensable.
The deputation went out on the square, shouting to the
crowd that they would not play with the Pole, for he was
Tugai Bey's captive and Tugai Bey said he himself was
wild! "He has pulled our beards!" cried they. On the
square they began immediately to repeat: "Tugai Bey is
wild!" "Is wild!" cry the crowd, plaintively, - "is wild,
is wild! " In a few minutes a certain shrill voice began to
sing near the fire, -

Tugai Bey
Is wild, roaring wild.
Hei, hei!
Tugai Bey,
Don't get wild, my friend! "

Immediately thousands of voices repeated: "Hei, hei I
Tugai Bey!" And at once rose one of those songs which
afterward spread over the whole Ukraine, as if the wind
had carried it, and was sung to the sound of lyre and

But suddenly the song was interrupted; for through the
gates, from the side of Hassan Pasha, rushed a number of
men who broke through the crowd, shouting, "Out of the

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