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HMELNITSKI and Skshetuski went to spend the night at
the house of the koshevoi, and with them Tugai Bey, for
whom it was too late to return to Bazaluk. The wild bey
treated the lieutenant as a captive who was to be ransomed
for a large sum, and therefore not as a slave; and with
greater respect indeed than he would have shown perhaps
to Cossacks, for he had seen him formerly as an envoy at
the court of the Khan. In view of this the koshevoi asked
Pan Yan to his own house, and also changed his bearing
toward him. The old koshevoi was a man devoted body
and soul to Hmelnitski, who had conquered and taken pos-
session of him. He had observed that Hmelnitski seemed
anxious to save the life of the captive at the time of the
council; but he was more astonished when, after having
barely entered the room, Hmelnitski turned to Tugai Bey.

"Tugai Bey," said he, "how much ransom do you think
of getting for this captive?"

Tugai Bey looked at Skshetuski and answered: "You
said this was a man of distinction, and I know that he was
an envoy of the terrible prince, and the terrible prince is
fond of his own men. Bismillah! one pays and the other
pays - together - " here Tugai Bey stopped to think-
"two thousand thalers."

Hmelnitski answered: "I will give you two thousand

The Tartar was silent for a moment. His black eyes ap-
peared to pierce Hmelnitski through and through. "You
will give three," said he.

"Why should I give three when you asked two your-

"For if you wish to have him, it is important for you;
and if it is important, you will give three."

"He saved my life."

"Allah! that is worth a thousand more."

Here Skshetuski interfered in the bargain. "Tugai
Bey," said he, with anger, "I can promise you nothing
from the prince's treasury; but even if I had to injure my
own fortune, I would give you three. I have almost that
much saved in the prince's hands, and a good village, which

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